Novel boundaries in haemapheresis and cell therapy
Marriott Hotel The Hague, The Netherlands
The Department of Haematology of the Haga Teaching Hospital, the Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation and the European Society for Haemapheresis are proudly presenting and welcome you to:
The International Haemapheresis Congress 2024: Novel boundaries in haemapheresis and cell therapy
The congress will be held from 21-22 November 2024 in the Marriott Hotel in The Hague. We offer you an excellent scientific programme, running over two days, with stimulating keynote lectures and symposia on parallel tracks with the involvement of internationally renowned experts. Participants include physicians, nurses and analysts.
The programme provides an unique opportunity for debate, discussion and the exchange of important ideas and information on the role of Haemapheresis in the fields of clinical and scientific haematology, nephrology, neurology and rheumatology.
The scientific board is currently creating a program with a wide variety of international speakers and subjects. You can expect key notes about ‘Guidelines for CAR-T in auto immune disease’, different insights into ‘Red Blood Cell Exchange’ and ‘CD34 gene therapy’. We will also talk about TPE and donor issues. Parallel to the workshops and lectures you can meet the sponsors, enjoy research posters and of course engage with your colleges from all over the world.
Call for abstracts
Your contributions are highly welcomed and are presented in oral sessions or poster exhibitions that undoubtedly increase the knowledge of the latest scientific developments in these fields. Scientists and experts from over the world are taking part in this meeting, where both clinical and experimental research are showcased.
Please register and submit your abstract(s) here before October 1st.
Abstract submission is now free of charge. Paid registration for attending the conference will follow after final online registration via Ideal/Paypal.
Participant Contribution per person:
Day guest students € 50,00
Both days students (without overnight stay) € 95,00
Day guest nurses (& non-medical) € 165,00
Both days without overnight stay nurses (& non-medical)
€ 315,00
Day guest medical (GP/specialist) € 265,00
Both days without overnight stay medical (GP/specialist)€ 515,00